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Blog Bash 2011 Giveaway!!

Welcome to the Blog Bash 2011 Giveaway!


I’m so excited about this…There are 150 blogs participating, and each one is offering a prize (or prizes) valued at $100 or more!! Amazing, right? So after you enter this one, make sure to use the linky at the bottom to check out the other giveaways too…

Check out my prize package, valued at $150!


~The OXO Good Grips 15-Piece Everyday Kitchen Tool Set. This set is amazing, seriously. ~


~The Fix-it and Enjoy-it Cookbook, from one of my favorite cookbook series. I have a few from this set, and they’re HUGE timesavers!~


~And, last but not least, another amazing cookbook, The Potluck Cookbook, Classic Recipes for Any Occasion! This is so retro and fun, with the greatest graphics. Love it. ~


Now, the good part…

How To Enter:

Mandatory Entry:

Subscribe to Sunshine and Sippy Cups by email {the little subscribe box on the top right} and leave me a comment telling me you did, or that you already are!

Bonus Entries:

  • Follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Twitter, and leave me a comment letting me know!
  • Like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook and leave another new comment telling you did!
  • Follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on GFC, the box up on the right side, then leave another new comment letting me know!
  • Share this giveaway!! Post it to Facebook, share it on Twitter, whatever you want! Just come back here and leave me a link letting me know where you shared it, and you can do this ONCE a DAY for BONUS entries!!


This giveaway is open to U.S. Residents only {sorry Canada, I’m paying for shipping on this one myself, so I’ve gotta keep it in the U.S.!} 18+. This giveaway begins at 12:01 am EST June 22nd and ends at 11:59 pm PST June 26th. Winner will be chosen using, and will have 48 hours to respond to my email before an alternate will be chosen. Mandatory entry MUST be done for all other entries to count. Be honest, because I verify the winner :)

{And, I have another fun giveaway right now too… Check it out and enter to win 100 Free Photo or Business Postcards!!}

Now, check out the rest of the party, and enter to win in all of the other giveaways from June 22-June 26!!



  1. I’m now signed up for your email updates. This is the BEST giveaway!! I love oxo and have been itching to get some new kitchen supplies!!



  2. I also liked you on facebook!

    Thanks again!


  3. Katheryn says

    already a subscriber…

  4. Katheryn says

    i follow sunshine and sippy cups on facebook… (:

  5. Ann Gragg says

    I subscribe to your emails.

  6. Ann Gragg says

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  7. Ann Gragg says

    I am a friend on GFC.

  8. I already subscribe :)

  9. I am already a fan <3

  10. Email subscriber

  11. follow on Twitter- @tally2525

  12. GFC Follower

  13. I subscribed to your blog.

  14. I follow you on twitter. (@tehamy)

  15. I signed up for email updates

    jeanettehooker at gmail dot com

  16. I just subscribed!

  17. I am already a facebook fan.

  18. I follow you via Twitter

  19. Just subscribed!

  20. Shared on my facebook page

  21. Follow on Facebook!

  22. I follow you via GFC

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  24. hi i added you here ,facebook, love love love your blog !!

  25. Kacee Hoffman says

    I subscribed by email

  26. Kacee Hoffman says

    I am a fan on fb Kacee Hoffman-Nunez

  27. Kacee Hoffman says

    I follow you on twitter Knunez82402

  28. Kimberly McCullers says


  29. Kimberly McCullers says

    GFC subscribed

  30. Kimberly McCullers says

    FB as well

  31. I am subscribed!

  32. Megan Wineinger says

    subscribe to your blog by email!

  33. I just signed up for email updates.

  34. I am already on fan on facebook

  35. Linda Bledsoe says

    Already a subscriber

  36. HannahBee says

    Just subscribed! Cute blog!

  37. Linda Bledsoe says

    Now I follow on fb

  38. follow you on twitter–@tnlibrarygal johnson city, tn

    thanks for sharing.

  39. I subscribe to you

  40. I follow u on facebook as Tricha Leary

  41. anne hill says

    i subscribe to your blog via email

  42. nicole schutt says

    following on GFC nschutt

  43. nicole schutt says

    I follow on twitter @phxfr

  44. anne hill says

    i follow you on GFC (@janejoeyxo)

  45. anne hill says

    i like you on FB (anne hill)

  46. anne hill says

    i follow you on twitter (@janejoeyxo)

  47. anne hill says
  48. Already a subscriber to your emails!

  49. Follow you on twitter

  50. Jill Myrick says

    I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.

  51. Like you on FB.
    danielle murray tallent

  52. Follow on GFC.

  53. Jill Myrick says

    I am following via Twitter as jlsc123.


  54. Jill Myrick says

    I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


  55. Jill Myrick says

    I am following via GFC as Jill Myrick.


  56. I subscribe via email!

  57. I follow you on twitter! (kennedie0605)

  58. I follow you on email.

  59. I like you on facebook!

    Jennifer Smith Stewart

  60. I follow you twitter. mt4cb

  61. I am one of your facebook fans.

  62. I follow via GFC!

  63. I follow you on gfc. cjabdelnour

  64. I subscribed!

  65. Following you via GFC (mrsking14)

  66. Fan of yours on Facebook (Erica King)

  67. Michelle Pyatt says

    Subscribed to email and like/follow you on facebook.

  68. I like you on fb.

  69. I follow you on twitter.

  70. I follow you through GFC.

  71. AND I tweeted this giveaway!

  72. Carmen Martin says

    I subscribe to your emails

  73. Carmen Martin says

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  74. Cindy Nester says

    I subscribed to your newsletter!

  75. Cindy Nester says

    I liked you on Facebook! :)

  76. Cindy Nester says

    I followed you on Twitter!/cnester711

  77. Just started subscribing!

  78. twitter follower cdziuba

  79. carol p dziuba facebook fan

  80. I’m a new email subscriber!

  81. I like you on FB

  82. follow on GOOGLE FC

  83. Shannon Gallagher says

    I am following you via email!

  84. Shannon Gallagher says

    I ‘liked’ you on FB! :)

  85. Shannon Gallagher says

    I am following you via GFC! :)

  86. Shannon Gallagher says

    I shared this with my friends on FB!!

  87. Follow you on FB :)

  88. I also get your daily e-mails!

  89. I subscribed.

  90. I follow you on Twitters as @SpaghettiWstrn

  91. I ‘like’ you on Facebook!

    Holly McCreary

  92. I like you on FB as The Spaghetti Westerner

  93. I follow you via GFC

    Holly McCreary

  94. I follow you on Twitter


  95. I subscribe to your e-mail!

  96. I subscribed via email

  97. I follow you on twitter as samsakara

  98. I follow with gfc as Shilo Beedy

  99. Jennifer B says

    subscribe to email

  100. Jennifer B says

    follow you on twitter @bayctygrl

  101. Jennifer B says

    Like you on FB Jennifer Bee

  102. Jennifer B says

    follow on GFC Jennifer

  103. Jessica W. says

    I subbed via email subscriptions.
    jolly_jess_6 @

  104. Jessica W. says

    I’m following you on fb via jessica jollyjess

  105. Jessica W. says

    I’m following you on twitter via @jolly_jess_6

  106. Jessica W. says

    I’m following via GFC jolly_jess_6 @

  107. I get your emails, thanks

  108. I subscribed to your emails.

  109. I followed you on twitter @pinkcreation

  110. I also liked you on facebook as Van Phung and as my facebook fan page Pinkclouds Designs

  111. Jayne Bontekoe Lenderink says

    I have subscribed to your blog via email!

  112. Jayne Bontekoe Lenderink says

    I am following you on Twitter and my name on there is Jaycandies

  113. Jayne Bontekoe Lenderink says

    I am a fan of yours on Facebook!

  114. Jayne Bontekoe Lenderink says

    now following you on GFC!

  115. jenn pangburn says

    Im following you on twitter :)

  116. jenn pangburn says

    I like you on FB :)

  117. jenn pangburn says

    I Follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on GFC :)

  118. jenn pangburn says

    I shared this giveaway on FB :) NOT sure how to post the link, but you can check my FB page :) THANK YOU

  119. I am following on twitter. Jmommeieio

  120. Following by email!

  121. Following via GFC: Jjjjorozco

  122. Like you on facebook! Joanna Orozco

  123. I can give you the link to my facebook, shared it! :)

  124. Jamie Downs says

    I just subscribed!

  125. Jamie Downs says

    I also “liked” u on facebook!

  126. Denise Schroeder says

    I am a GCF follower, thanks!

  127. Denise Schroeder says

    I like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on FB as Denise Schroeder.

  128. I now get your emails! cliffsgirl2001 at yahoo dot com

  129. I like you on FB cliffsgirl2001 at yahoo dot com

  130. I follow you on Twitter cliffsgirl2001 at yahoo dot com

  131. For the moment I am your newest GFC follower =)
    cliffsgirl2001 at yahoo dot com

  132. email subscriber

  133. follow gfc~polly

  134. i subscribe!

  135. Jennifer says

    Been following you on FB, and just subscribed to your awesome blog.

  136. Andrea Williams says

    Subscribed via email.

  137. Andrea Williams says

    Follow on facebook

  138. Andrea Williams says

    Follow on GFC

  139. Veronica L says

    I subscribe to your e-mails, thanks :)

  140. Veronica L says

    I Follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Twitter @vhenline

  141. Veronica L says

    I Like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook (Veronica L)

  142. Veronica L says

    I follow your blog via GFC (Veronica) Thanks

  143. Lindsay Sorensen says

    I Subscribe to Sunshine and Sippy Cups by email

  144. Lindsay Sorensen says

    I Like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook

  145. Lindsay Sorensen says

    I Follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on GFC

  146. why not let Canada enter if they want to pay for shipping, I wouldn’t mind

  147. I subscribe by email

  148. I like you on facebook

  149. I follow with GFC

  150. I follow you by email

  151. I follow you on twitter @sarahgraeber

  152. I follow via gfc

  153. Email subscriber. Thanks so much for hosting this great giveaway!


  154. Following you on Twitter (furygirl3132)


  155. Like you on Facebook (Eloise Bowen Carlson)


  156. Following you via GFC (furygirl3132)


  157. Allison Z. says

    Follow via GFC (Allison)

  158. Allison Z. says

    Email subscriber

  159. I am an email subscriber.

  160. New email subscriber! :D

  161. GFC follower :D

  162. Twitter follower @frompdxwithlove

  163. Following via twitter @frompdxwithlove

  164. I subscribed! (koulgurl(at)

  165. I Follow on Twitter (@SixInTheNest)

  166. I like you on FB!

  167. I subscribe via e-mail now! Looks like a fantastic Giveaway!

  168. I follow you on twitter @katiemitchell1

  169. I follow via GF

  170. I like sunshine and sippy cups on facebook

  171. i am a new email subscriber ;.)

  172. Kathy S. says

    Hi, I have subscribed to Sunshine and Sippy Cups by email!

  173. Kathy S. says

    I have “Liked” Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook!

  174. Kathy S. says

    I am now following Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Twitter!

  175. Kathy S. says

    I have shared this giveaway on Twitter – @KatWoman64

  176. Terri Warwick says

    I liked you on FaceBook.
    I am following you on twitter as Angelson.
    I subscribed to your newsletter.
    I also am following on GFC (Terri Warwick)

    I so hope i did everything right.Thanks for a great blog and giveaway!!

  177. Holly C. says

    already a subscriber :)

  178. Holly C. says

    follow on twitter as hbbs55

  179. Holly C. says

    like you on facebook

  180. Holly C. says

    follow with gfc

  181. Holly C. says
  182. I subscribed via email.

    puppy1843e at gmail dot com

  183. I follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on twitter. @puppy1843e

  184. I like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on facebook. (Linda To)

  185. I follow on GFC. (puppy1843e)

  186. I subscribed

  187. Kathleen Downes says

    I’m a subscriber.

  188. Kathleen Downes says

    I like you on facebook. (Kathleen Downes)

  189. Kathleen Downes says

    I follow you on GFC. (Kathleen)

  190. Kathleen Downes says

    I follow you on Twitter. (washoekathy)

  191. Michelle C says

    Subscribed via email!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  192. Michelle C says

    Following you on twitter as mrsmchappell
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  193. Michelle C says

    Following with Google Friend Connect
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  194. Michelle C says
  195. charline says

    I signed up for your email

  196. I follow GFC as stanleybilly

  197. I follow you on FB as charline stanley

  198. Heidi Daily says

    I subscribe via email

  199. I am following on Twitter(beachngrl), following on facebook and comfirmed email subscription

  200. Heidi Daily says

    I follow you on twitter @hreall

  201. Heidi Daily says

    I like you on facebook heidi reall daily

  202. Linda Lansford says

    I sub to email

  203. Linda Lansford says

    Like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook

  204. Linda Lansford says

    I gfc

  205. I am a new subscriber

  206. Follow on twitter @homestyletips

  207. Like you on facebook

  208. New GFC: Holly

  209. Susan Bryant says

    email subscriber!

  210. Susan Bryant says

    follow you on twitter @Susanbryant1972

  211. Susan Bryant says

    Like you on FB- Susan Marie Huffman-Bryant

  212. Susan Bryant says

    GFC follower-Susan Bryant

  213. Susan Bryant says
  214. Susan Bryant says
  215. subscribed

  216. Brand new email subscriber

  217. Follow on GFC (snowlvunferret)

  218. Follow you on Twitter @snowluvnferret2

  219. Shaunda Eppes says

    Already a email subscriber
    Shaunda.Eppes at gmail dot com

  220. Shae Johnson says

    I subscribed to the emails.

  221. Shae Johnson says

    I follow via GFC.

  222. email subscriber
    trustjesus7771 at yahoo dot com

  223. Amber Dunbar says

    I subscribed to your email (:

  224. Amber Dunbar says

    I’m already a fan of yours on facebook (:

  225. email subscriber!! would loooove to win this :p

  226. gfc follower (T. Arrin)

  227. Subscribed to emails


  228. Rachel B. says

    Email subscriber
    schkinner AT yahoo DOT com

  229. Rachel B. says

    Follow you on FB (Schkinner Saves)

  230. Rachel B. says

    Follow you on Twitter (@schkinner)

  231. Rachel B. says

    GFC follower (schkinner)

  232. Rachel B. says
  233. Rachel B. says
  234. Rachel B. says
  235. i am a new email subscriber

  236. Following you on Twitter



  237. Liked you on Facebook

    Grace Matthews


  238. Following you on GFC

  239. i follow on twitter


  240. i like you on facebook

  241. Subscribed via email!

  242. Shared on Facebook


  243. Tweeted!/gracegives/status/83989076184809472


  244. Crystal K. says

    I subscribed by email.

  245. Crystal K. says

    I follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Twitter.

  246. Crystal K. says

    I like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook.

  247. Crystal K. says

    I follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on GFC.

  248. Crystal K. says
  249. carla hoffman says

    I just subscribed..:)

  250. Amber Dyer Atwat says

    I subscribe and added you on facebook thank you amber = aa_atwat, i can:t wait to read more have a good day

  251. Natalie Lewis says

    I subscribe to your blog by email.

  252. Natalie Lewis says

    I like you on Facebook.

  253. Natalie Lewis says

    I follow you via GFC.

  254. Natalie Lewis says

    I shared this giveaway on my Facebook page.

  255. I follow you via email –

  256. i follow you via GFC

    i’m aka blog basher #110

  257. i follow you on twitter as @officialfitf

  258. i tweeted about your giveaway and i linked you to it @officialfitf

  259. i like you on facebook as ‘fashion in the forest’

  260. i posted about your giveaway on facebook and i linked you to it as ‘fashion in the forest’

  261. Samantha C. says

    I’m a new email subscriber!

  262. Samantha C. says

    I follow you on FB!

  263. Wise Owl Designs says

    Email subscriber

  264. Wise Owl Designs says

    Follow on Twitter. WiseOwlDesigns

  265. I subscribed to your blog:

  266. Wise Owl Designs says

    like you on fb Liz Wiseowldesigns

  267. Wise Owl Designs says

    GFC Follower Wise Owl Designs

  268. I follow you via GFC (s. Greiner)

  269. Penny Snyder says
  270. Penny Snyder says

    Like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook!! Penny Hayes Snyder –

  271. Penny Snyder says

    I’m a GFC follower!

  272. already subscribed to the mailing list of Sunshine and Sippy Cups =)

  273. Facebook fan =)

  274. following on twitter (@mb4315)

  275. following on GFC (MB Fortunato)

  276. I subscribed by email!

  277. I am now following on GFC!

  278. I am now following you via Twitter! @petrabbitplanet

  279. Now following via newsletter at email listed above.

  280. anne hill says
  281. Email subscriber


  282. Twitter follower!/TonyaHopkins85


  283. Liked you on Facebook as Tonya Extine-Hopkins


  284. GFC Follower as VampireVixen85


  285. tweeted!/TonyaHopkins85/status/84026276779794432


  286. Kay Swederski says

    I subscribed by email.

  287. Kay Swederski says

    I follow you on Facebook

  288. Robin Blankenship says

    Email subscriber

  289. Subscribe to Sunshine and Sippy Cups by email

  290. Follow SunandSipCups on twitter @Gerisandoval

  291. LIKE Sunshine and Sippy Cups on FB [Geri Sandoval]

  292. Follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on GFC [Geraldine Sandoval]

  293. scottsgal says

    email subscriber
    msboatgal at

  294. scottsgal says

    like you on fb
    cheryl s
    msboatgal at

  295. I subscribed to the email =)

  296. I follow u on twitter =D

  297. I like u on facebook =P

  298. I follow on GTC B-)

  299. I shared on twitter

  300. I shared on facebook

  301. Carrie Martinet says

    I’m all set up to receive emails. carriethegood(at)gmail(dotcom)

  302. Carrie Martinet says

    I liked you on fb. Carrie M.

  303. Carrie Martinet says

    I follow you on twitter @carriethegood. Follow me back?

  304. Carrie Martinet says

    I follow on GFC as Mrs. Martinet.

  305. Carrie Martinet says

    I tweeted!!/carriethegood/status/84053568478384128


  306. Sarah Welte says

    subscribed to your blog via email :)

  307. Sarah Welte says

    following your blog via GFC :)

  308. Sarah Welte says

    following you on twitter ~ @MommyLovesUTuTu :)

  309. Sarah Welte says

    fan of your fb page ~ Sarah Elizabeth Welte

  310. Signed up via Email!

  311. Following you On Twitter!

  312. I’m a new email subscriber!!!!

  313. New FB Fan (Kara Timetobe Still)

  314. New twitter follower @dandk01

  315. GFC Follower (Kara)

  316. email subscriber

  317. twitter follower -lbandj

  318. facebook fan – lori b… c….

  319. GFCfollower (LB)

  320. Mary Beth Elderton says

    I’m an email subscriber

  321. Mary Beth Elderton says

    I follow you on twitter as mbm218

  322. Mary Beth Elderton says

    I’m a gfc friend (Beth Elderton)

  323. Jennifer H. says

    email subscriber
    jenhedger at hotmail dot com

  324. Jennifer H. says

    Like on Facebook
    jenhedger at hotmail dot com

  325. Jennifer H. says

    Follow on twitter as @jenhedger
    jenhedger at hotmail dot com

  326. I’m an email subscriber!!

    Kortney Ewing

  327. Subscribed to your email
    royalegacy at gmail dot com

  328. I’m following you via twitter!


  329. Twitter follower
    royalegacy at gmail dot com

  330. FB fan
    Danielle Sg
    royalegacy at gmail dot com

  331. GFC follower
    royalegacy at gmail dot com

  332. shared on FB
    royalegacy at gmail dot com

  333. Cynthia W says

    I subscribed. Thanks!

  334. I’m a GFC follower.

    Kortney Ewing

  335. getting emails
    kidpack05 at yahoo dt com

  336. following you on twitter kidpack05
    kidpack05 at yahoo dt com

  337. fb fan abbiw
    kidpack05 at yahoo dt com

  338. gfc follower kidpack05
    kidpack05 at yahoo dt com

  339. tracy davis says

    I’m a new email subscriber

  340. I subscribe via email.

  341. I am a google follower. Jammie

  342. I like you on fb Jammie M

  343. I follow you on twitter Jammie79

  344. Erin Nicole says

    I subscribe to your blog via email

  345. Erin Nicole says

    I follow you on twitter-@bradywadie14

  346. Erin Nicole says

    I like you on FB-erin brady

  347. Erin Nicole says

    I follow you via GFC-erin.nicole

  348. Janna Johnson says

    new subscriber
    Great giveaway! thanks! Janna Johnson
    janna@feedyoupig on GFC

  349. I subscribed. :0)

  350. I liked sunshine and sippy cups on facebook.
    Facebook id-Amber Marie Barnett


  351. I am a new email subscriber.

  352. I am a new GFC follower (GrammyMouseTails)

  353. I’m a subscriber. :)

  354. I also “liked” you on fb. :)

  355. Teresa Lynn says

    I just subscribed to your email. Glad I found your great site!

  356. Carolsue says

    I subscribe to your e-mails/updates through e-mail
    Digicats {at}

  357. Carolsue says

    I follow you on Twitter (Cezovski)
    Digicats {at} sbcglobal {dot} net

  358. Carolsue says

    I like you on Facebook
    (Carolsue Anderson)
    Digicats @

  359. Carolsue says

    I am a public follower of yours on Google Friends Connect (Carolsue)
    digicats {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

  360. Carolsue says

    Your giveaway is posted on my blog
    digicats {at} sbcglobal {dot} net

  361. rebecca sparks says

    Subscribed i hope i win

  362. Theresa D says

    I now subscribe to Sunshine and Sippy Cups by email.

  363. Theresa D says

    I follow you on twitter.

  364. Theresa D says

    I Like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook.

  365. Theresa D says

    I follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups with GFC.

  366. Theresa D says
  367. I subscribe to Sunshine and Sippy Cups by email.

  368. I like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook.

    (I’m Annulla Sweeps on Facebook)

    annulla (at) gmail (dot) com

  369. I follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on GFC

  370. Nicole Carter says

    I subscribe to your email

  371. Nicole Carter says

    I follow you on Twitter

  372. Nicole Carter says

    I like you on Facebook
    Nicole Carter

  373. Nicole Carter says

    I follow via GFC
    Nicole Carter

  374. Nicole Carter says
  375. Nicole Carter says
  376. LOIS PAYTON says

    I follow everyone on google, GOD BLESS YA’LL

  377. subscribe via email

  378. Holly C. says
  379. Email subscriber

  380. I Like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook
    Tracy P

  381. I follow with GFC
    Tracy P

  382. Selinda McCumbers says

    I am signed up for your email!


  383. Selinda McCumbers says

    I follow with GFC!


  384. email subscriber
    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  385. Like you on Facebook-Rae Pavey
    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  386. Susan Ladd says

    Would love to win for my grandchildren :)

  387. Erica C. says

    I’m a subscriber :)

  388. I just signed up for your emails! Excited to start receiving them!

  389. I like Sunshine & Sippy Cups on FB!

  390. I am following via GFC!

  391. I subscribe

  392. I follow with gfc.

  393. Angela Winesburg says

    Email Subscriber, thanks!

  394. Angela Winesburg says

    Following via GFC, thanks!

  395. Angela Winesburg says

    Liked you on FB (AngelaWinesburg)

  396. royalegacy says
  397. Mandatory
    Subscribed to Sunshine and Sippy Cups by email.


  398. Following @SunandSipCups on Twitter @hle123.

  399. Liked Sunshine and Sippy Cups on FB: Hoa Le

  400. Following Sunshine and Sippy Cups on GFC: Hoa

  401. I could seriously use those utensils!

  402. Betty Crumley says


  403. Betty Crumley says

    follow on FB

  404. I follow you on FB…and I really want to win this :)

  405. I also subscribe to your daily e-mails!

  406. melanie garibay says

    I subscribe to your emails.

  407. melanie garibay says

    I like you on facebook.

  408. I am an email subscriber!

  409. stephanie miller says

    im an email subscriber

  410. stephanie miller says

    facebook fan of sunshine and sippy cups, stephanie rowe miller,

  411. stephanie miller says

    twitter follower, jrneyfan1984

  412. stephanie miller says

    follower via gfc,

  413. stephanie miller says
  414. stephanie miller says

    shared on facebook, stephanie rowe miller,

  415. e-mail subscriber

  416. Monique Rizzo says

    I am an email subscriber.
    Thanks for the chance.

  417. subscribed


  418. Denise Shoemaker says

    I follow you via E-mail

  419. Denise Shoemaker says

    I follow you on Twitter

  420. Denise Shoemaker says

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  421. Denise Shoemaker says

    I tweeted avout the contest on my page TheRose4u@ Twitter

  422. Denise Shoemaker says

    I posted about the contest on Facebook

  423. crystle tellerday says

    email subscriber

  424. Helen Keeler says

    I subscibe to your email as Helen Keeler

  425. Helen Keeler says

    I follow you on Twitter @helen1949

  426. Helen Keeler says

    I follow you publicly on GFC as Helen Keeler

  427. I subscribe via email

  428. follow you via twitter – @happishopr

  429. Follow via gfc – happi shopr

  430. follow via facebook – happi shopr

  431. Juana Esparza says

    Email subscriber = jmesparza821(at)gmail(dot)com

  432. Juana Esparza says

    I Liked you on FB = Juana Esparza


  433. Juana Esparza says

    GFC follower = Juana Esparza


  434. i subscribe to your blog :o) thanks for the giveaway

  435. Melissa P. says

    I subscribed to your email feed.

  436. Melissa P. says

    I follow you on Facebook!




  439. I AM A GFC FOLLOWER (shebebes)

  440. Email subscriber

  441. Follow on Twitter @beezhappee12

  442. Michelle C says
  443. Carrie Deering says

    Follower by e-mail :)

  444. Carrie Deering says

    FB Follower. FB Name: Carrie Deering

  445. Son Dang says

    Thanks for your wonderful giveaway. I’ve subscribed to your website via email.

  446. Son Dang says

    I’ve already liked you on facebook (My ID: Son Dang).

  447. Son Dang says

    I’ve followed you on Twitter (my ID: trungthucvongan).

  448. Son Dang says

    I’ve shared this giveaway on Twitter:!/trungthucvongan/status/84453852006465537

  449. I’m a confirmed email subscriber. Thanks so much for the chance!! :)

  450. I follow you on twitter (@whitechocolatec).

  451. I like you on Facebook (username: Les Cerises).

  452. GFC follower (wcc)

  453. I’m an email subscriber! jujubee676 at

  454. I subscribed to your emails.

  455. I follow you on Twitter. (@anjathisandthat)

  456. I like you on Facebook. (Anja M. Anjathisandthat).

  457. I follow you on GFC. (Anja M.)

  458. Laura P. says

    I subscribe by email.
    Thank you.

  459. Laura P. says

    I follow on Twitter as Bookloon.

  460. Angela Clark says

    I subscribed by email

  461. Angela Clark says

    I liked you on facebook

  462. Angela Clark says

    I follow you on GFC

  463. Courtney Edson says

    subscribe by email: courtnut1990 at yahoo dot com

  464. Courtney Edson says

    follow SunandSipCups on twitter:


    courtnut1990 at yahoo dot com

  465. Courtney Edson says

    already like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on fb:

    courtney freebieaddict edson

    courtnut1990 at yahoo dot com

  466. Courtney Edson says

    gfc: Courtney Renee

    courtnut1990 at yahoo dot com

  467. Courtney Edson says

    shared on twitter:!/MsFreebieQueen/status/84530413766324225

    courtnut1990 at yahoo dot com

  468. Courtney Edson says
  469. Terri S Crum says

    Email subscriber

    tlcrum06 at att dot net

  470. Terri S Crum says

    Following Sunshine & Sippy Cups on FB as Terri S Crum

    tlcrum06 at att dot net

  471. Terri S Crum says

    Following Sunshine & Sippy Cups on twitter as tlcrum06

    tlcrum06 at att dot net

  472. Terri S Crum says
  473. Terri S Crum says
  474. Terri S Crum says
  475. Terri S Crum says

    GFC follower: Terri S Crum

    tlcrum06 at att dot net

  476. email sub: ferriza2(at)yahoo(dot)com

    :: crosses fingers ::

  477. gfc: ferriz

  478. twitter @xferriza2

  479. fb: xferriza2 (Danielle b)

  480. Alexis Poore says

    I am now happily signed up to get emails from ya’ll now :)

  481. I am a email subscriber.

  482. I signed up for e-mails. I love anything kitchen!

  483. I’m following you on Twitter @HezziD

  484. Sherry S. says

    email subscriber

    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  485. Sherry S. says

    GFC follower – Sherry S.

    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  486. Sherry S. says

    liked on Facebook – Sherry Strode

    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  487. brittney says

    brittneydejajason at gmail dot com

  488. brittney says

    fb fan (brittney p)
    brittneydejajason at gmail dot com

  489. brittney says

    gfc follower (brittney p)
    brittneydejajason at gmail dot com

  490. Email Subscriber

  491. Follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Twitter

  492. Like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook
    Rebecca Smith

  493. Follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on GFC

  494. anne hill says
  495. Michelle Dippel says

    I follow you publicly on GFC.
    littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com)

  496. Michelle Dippel says

    I am subscribed to your email subscription.
    (littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com)

  497. Michelle Dippel says

    I am following you on Facebook.
    littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com)

  498. Michelle Dippel says

    I am following you on twitter.
    (littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com)

  499. Michelle Dippel says

    (littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com)

  500. Lindsay Sorensen says

    I follow you on Twitter

  501. Shanna Uptergrove says

    I subscribed via email! :)

  502. Shanna Uptergrove says

    I follow you on Twitter- username shannau.

  503. Shanna Uptergrove says

    I like you on FB – new fan!

  504. Follow on gfc thanks

  505. royalegacy says
  506. Jen Harriman says

    Im already an email subscriber

  507. Jen Harriman says

    i follow @SunandSipCups (jenharriman123)

  508. Jen Harriman says

    i like sun & sippy on facebook. Jennifer Harriman

  509. I’m a new email subscriber!

  510. Ronalee Duncan says

    I subscribe to your blog via email

    email RonaleeDuncan{at}aol{dot}com

  511. GFC follower – JLJMommy

  512. twitter follower – JLJMommy

  513. Fb fan – Kimberlie S.T.

  514. Ronalee Duncan says

    Following you on Twitter

    email RonaleeDuncan{at}aol{dot}com

  515. Deborah Rosen says

    I subscribed via email.

  516. Deborah Rosen says

    I followed SunandSipCups on Twitter @AsTheNight.

  517. Deborah Rosen says

    I liked Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook.

  518. Email subscriber!

  519. GFC follower!

  520. Judy Cox says

    I am an email subscriber.


  521. Judy Cox says

    I am a follower on twitter @ladymagnolia99


  522. Judy Cox says

    I liked you on Facebook-Judy C


  523. Judy Cox says

    I follow on GFC-judy


  524. Tevya Harpole says

    I follow on GFC

  525. Tevya Harpole says

    i subscribe by email

  526. rebecca h says

    I subscribed.

  527. Amanda R says

    I am now subscribed to your blog’s email updates:

    iceofhearts at hotmail dot com
    (that is also my contest entry email)

  528. Amanda R says

    Following you on Twitter (@indieobscura)

    iceofhearts at hotmail dot com

  529. Amanda R says

    Liked your blog’s page on Facebook (Amanda Reinhard)

    iceofhearts at hotmail dot com

  530. Amanda R says

    I am following you on GFC (Amanda Reinhard)

    iceofhearts at hotmail dot com

  531. I subscribed by e-mail…

  532. I facebooked your blog!

  533. i’m now a Gfc follower….

  534. I stumbled your blog!!

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  536. Dara Nix says

    I am already an e-mail subscriber!
    kitty32504 at cox dot net

  537. Dara Nix says

    I already follow you on Twitter (@Kitty32504)!

  538. Dara Nix says

    I already “like” you on Facebook (Dara Nix)!

  539. Dara Nix says

    I am a new GFC follower (Cataroo)!

  540. Dara Nix says
  541. ewhatley says

    subbed to your emails

  542. I’m a confirmed subscriber.

    ashaldridge (at) gmail (dot) com

  543. I follow you on Twitter (AggieAshley).

    ashaldridge (at) gmail (dot) com

  544. I tweeted:!/AggieAshley/status/84793200526635008

    ashaldridge (at) gmail (dot) com

  545. Stacie Frost says

    I’m an e-mail subscriber! Thanks so much for entering me!
    savingmama at live dot com

  546. Stacie Frost says

    I follow you on Twitter (@savingmama42). Thanks so much for entering me!
    savingmama at live dot com

  547. Stacie Frost says

    I follow you on facebook (Stacie Dennis Frost). Thanks for entering me!
    savingmama at live dot com

  548. Stacie Frost says

    I follow you with GFC (staciefrost). Thanks for entering me!
    savingmama at live dot com

  549. Stacie Frost says

    Daily Tweet! Thanks for entering me!
    savingmama at live dot com!/savingmama42/status/84798225197961216

  550. Michelle C says
  551. I just signed up for your email list. Thanks for the giveaway!

    workingforthemandroid at gmail dot com

  552. And I also am a GFC follower – Mandroid

    workingforthemandroid at gmail dot com

  553. i subscribe via email.

  554. ashley n says

    email subscriber

  555. ashley n says

    i follow you on twitter (@ashleynance1107)

  556. ashley n says

    i like you on fb(ashley nance)

  557. ashley n says

    gfc follower(anw1107)

  558. already subscribe

  559. Cassandra Van Slyke says

    I am following by email.

  560. Cassandra Van Slyke says

    I am following on twitter (cassslyke)

  561. Cassandra Van Slyke says

    I like on facebook (Cassandra Cordova Van Slyke)

  562. Cassandra Van Slyke says

    I am following on GFC

  563. I am an email subscriber

  564. I follow on GFC

  565. I like you on Facebook

  566. I subscribe via email

  567. Twitter follower – devnzacsmom

  568. I like you on FB

  569. Lynda Clark says

    I am an email subscriber

  570. Lynda Clark says

    Liked Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook as Lynda Clark

  571. Lynda Clark says

    Following Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Twitter @lyndacooks

  572. Lynda Clark says

    Following you publicly via GFC as lyndaclark81

  573. Lynda Clark says
  574. What great prizes! I am an email subscriber. Thanks!

  575. I follow you on twitter as sbshortie

  576. I like you on fb as Becca Okaneko

  577. I follow on gfc as Becca

  578. Emma Peel says

    I’m already a subscriber of yours.


  579. Emma Peel says

    I Like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook


  580. Nicole Carter says
  581. Nicole Carter says
  582. Tonya Dean says

    New email subscriber


  583. Tonya Dean says

    GFC follower – Tonya Dean


  584. Melanie K. says

    Subscribed via email!

  585. Melanie K. says

    Following on Twitter!

  586. Melanie K. says

    Like on FaceBook!

  587. I subscribed!

  588. christia m. torres says

    subscribed to email

  589. christia m. torres says

    following on gfc

  590. christia m. torres says

    liked on fb

  591. christia m. torres says

    following on twitter (christiasfotos)

  592. Jerica Murphy says

    Subscribed to Sunshine and Sippy cups via e-mail!! Jerica Murphy

  593. Jerica Murphy says

    Liked Sunshine and Sippy Cups on facebook! Jerica Murphy

  594. Jerica Murphy says

    Following Sunshine and Sippy Cups via GFC!! Jerica Murphy

  595. Mona Garg says

    Thanks for the giveaway :)
    Email subscriber

  596. Mona Garg says


  597. Mona Garg says

    FB(Mona Garg)

  598. Mona Garg says
  599. I Subscribed to Sunshine and Sippy Cups by email

  600. I subscribed via email.

  601. email subscriber

    juleemm2003 at yahoo dot com

  602. gfc follower – juleemm2003

    juleemm2003 at yahoo dot com

  603. twitter follower – juleemm

    juleemm2003 at yahoo dot com

  604. Tiffany LaCourse says

    I am subscribed to your email

  605. Tiffany LaCourse says

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  607. Tiffany LaCourse says

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    Tiffany Ann*

  608. Becky Parker says

    I just subscribed! Thanks!

  609. Amy DeLong says

    new subscriber

  610. Diane Baum says

    I subscribed via google

  611. Amy DeLong says

    follow on twitter

  612. Amy DeLong says

    fb fan

  613. Holly C. says
  614. Email subscriber discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com

  615. Follow you on Twitter @dddiva

  616. Like you on FB Sherry Conrad

  617. GFC follower dddiva

  618. I just became an email subscriber
    smchester at gmail dot com

  619. I follow you on twitter as ptowngirl.
    smchester at gmail dot com

  620. I follow you on GFC as sweetsue.
    smchester at gmail dot com

  621. Subscribe via email
    larajarrette at gmail dot com

  622. follow with GFC – Retro ReDesign
    larajarrette at gmail dot com

  623. Follow on twitter @retroredesign
    larajarrette at gmail dot com

  624. Follow on FB – Lara J
    larajarrette at gmail dot com

  625. Amanda Headrick says

    I follow you on FACEBOOK!

  626. Amanda Headrick says

    I Follow you on GFC

  627. I subscribe to your blog.

  628. Amanda Headrick says

    I shared your giveaway on facebook!

  629. brandy harris says

    i subscribe to your email

  630. I follow you on twitter @llehciMMichell

  631. brandy harris says

    i follow you on twitter (learnn2save)

  632. I follow you on FB

  633. I follow you on GFC

  634. brandy harris says

    i follow you on facebook

  635. Kat Emerick says

    Email Subscriber

  636. Kat Emerick says

    Follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on GFC.

  637. I subscribed to your newsletter!

  638. I’m already a fan of your Facebook page!

  639. Subscribe to emails

  640. Subscribe to Sunshine and Sippy Cups by email
    KDSyrjala at gmail dot com

  641. follow via twitter
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  642. like you fb
    Kristine Syrjala
    KDSyrjala at gmail dot com

  643. follow you via GFC
    KDSyrjala at gmail dot com

  644. anne hill says
  645. april bever says

    Subscribed via email

  646. TRACY HEYER says

    email subscriber


  647. TRACY HEYER says

    follow on GFC


  648. I’ve subscribed to blog emails

  649. Following Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Twitter (@yuukiimi)

  650. Facebook Fan of Sunshine and Sippy Cups (Alice Lee)

  651. Following you via Google Friend Connect

  652. Twee ted about the giveaway:!/yuukiimi/status/85063713421406208


  653. Shared giveaway on Facebook :


  654. Shared on Stumble Upon (liked it)


  655. Joanne Schultz says

    I subscribed!
    Love OXO tools – they are wonderful!!
    That’s why I’m entering this giveaway!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  656. Joanne Schultz says

    i follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on twitter – js22222222 .

  657. Joanne Schultz says

    I Like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook-Joanne Schultz.

  658. Joanne Schultz says

    I follow your blog on google friends connect- Joanne Schultz .

  659. Joanne Schultz says
  660. Loretta Graeve says

    I am following you on twitter and liked you on facebook

  661. Francine says

    -I’m Subscribed to You via Email
    aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
    THANK YOU!! :)

  662. Francine says

    I Follow You on Twitter
    **Twitter Name: @BeautyToLove
    aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
    THANK YOU!! :)

  663. Francine says

    I Like You on Facebook
    **FB Name: Francine E.
    aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
    THANK YOU!! :)

  664. Francine says

    I Follow You via Google Friend Connect
    **GFC Name: Beauty To Love
    aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
    THANK YOU!! :)

  665. amy rouse says

    Subscribe to Sunshine and Sippy Cups by email

    dropastitch at yahoo dot com

  666. amy rouse says

    Like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook

    amy rouse

  667. amy rouse says

    Follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on GFC,

    amy rouse

  668. amy rouse says
  669. Loretta G says

    liked on facebook

  670. I follow you on twitter.

  671. I follow by email.

  672. I like your page on facebook

  673. I follow you on GFC.

  674. I’m subscribed to you blog via email!

    Thank you so much for the chance to win!!!

    okj83 at live dot com

  675. I’m also following you via facebook.

    Thank You

    okj83 at live dot com

  676. I’m following you on GFC.

    Thank You

    okj83 at live dot com

  677. I am a new email subscriber

  678. new gfc follower

  679. follow on twitter @shopannies

  680. like on facebook

  681. Angela W says

    I am an email subscriber! Great giveaway!

  682. royalegacy says
  683. Deborah Wellenstein says

    I am an email subscriber.

    dwellenstein at cox dot net

  684. Deborah Wellenstein says

    I like you on Facebook as Debbi Otto Wellenstein.

    dwellenstein at cox dot net

  685. Deborah Wellenstein says

    I follow you via GFC as dwellenstein.

    dwellenstein at cox dot net

  686. Hi!
    I subscribe via email!
    Thanks so much for the opportunity to win in this giveaway!
    ~Mippy :)
    bunnysmip (AT) yahoo (DOT) com

  687. Hi!
    I like you on FB
    Thanks so much for the opportunity to win in this giveaway!
    ~Mippy :)
    bunnysmip (AT) yahoo (DOT) com

  688. Hi!
    I follow you via GFC
    Thanks so much for the opportunity to win in this giveaway!
    ~Mippy :)
    bunnysmip (AT) yahoo (DOT) com

  689. Hi!
    I shared this on FB
    Thanks so much for the opportunity to win in this giveaway!
    ~Mippy :)
    bunnysmip (AT) yahoo (DOT) com

  690. I subscribe via email.

    Tiffany Manley
    tiffany dot manley at hotmail dot com

  691. I subscribe to Sunshine and Sippy Cups by email. mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)net

  692. I follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups on GFC.

  693. I’m a new subscriber!

  694. Stephanie G says

    I subscribe via email!

  695. Stephanie G says

    follow you on twitter @skgaff

  696. Stephanie G says

    like you on facebook (stephanie gaffney)

  697. Stephanie G says

    follow you on gfc (skgaff)

  698. Stephanie G says
  699. I am an email subscriber

  700. Michelle C says
  701. I’m a subscriber.

  702. I like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook.

  703. Jennifer J says

    I’m an email subscriber.

  704. I subscribe to sunshine and sippy cups

  705. I like you on facebook

  706. Kandi Smith says

    I follow Sunshine and Sippy Cups by email.

  707. I subscribed via email! awesome giveaway :)

  708. I subscribed GFC (FOF)

  709. i like you on FB (formalityof Frugality)

  710. I’m an email subscriber: ebutterfly0183

  711. i follow u on twitter (ann3k3b)

  712. brian e. says

    Thanks for the giveaway…subscribed.

    senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

  713. Tammy Greer says

    I’m an email subscriber.
    LuckyTJG at cs dot com

  714. brian e. says

    Following YOU via Twitter: @brianpiero

    senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

  715. email subscriber
    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  716. gfc follower (tabathia B)
    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  717. like on fb (michelle b)
    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  718. email subscriber

  719. GFC follower (toni lowery)

  720. Follow on twitter (shortstack1977)

  721. Jessica Lopez says

    Email Subscriber

  722. FB follower (toni guimbellot lowery)

  723. I subscribe via email
    norcalrita at gmail dot com

  724. I like you on Facebook (Rita O)
    norcalrita at gmail dot com

  725. I follow you on Twitter (lovelyritaann)
    norcalrita at gmail dot com

  726. I’m an email subscriber.

  727. I’m a GFC follower (Gianna).

  728. Dona Duckett says

    Subscribed via email

  729. Dona Duckett says

    Following Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Twitter (@LilyTigerheart)

  730. Dona Duckett says

    Liked Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook (Dona Barnes Duckett)

  731. Dona Duckett says

    Following Sunshine and Sippy Cups on GFC as “Dona”

  732. Dona Duckett says
  733. new follower via GFC

  734. Joyce Harrell says

    Email Subscriber

  735. I subscribed via email.

    I Love Making Tutus

  736. I liked Sunshine and Sippy Cups on FB!

    I Love Making Tutus

  737. I’m a GFC follower.

    I Love Making Tutus

  738. I subscribe to your email under kellywcuATyahooDOTcom

  739. I subscribe by email.

    Those tools look great! I could use an update with mine.

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