New feature…
I love quotes. A lot. All of my scrapbooks and albums feature tons of quotes. I have an email folder filled with my favorites. I love to share favorites by adding them to cards at holidays. I love how such a little string of words can sometimes be just the right thing that you’ve been needing to hear.
So every day I’ll be sharing a new quote with you guys. Something motivating and happy to brighten your day. You know, a Daily Bit of Sunshine.
Todays Daily Bit of Sunshine:
“When it rains, most birds head for shelter; the Eagle is the only bird that, in order to avoid the rain, starts flying above the cloud.”
–Author Unknown.
I love this. I love the picture that it brings to my mind… Everyone else huddled away hiding from the rain… But not that eagle, strong enough to rise up above those clouds.
This reminds me not to let myself get knocked down or caught up in the daily stress of life. To remember to stay above the negative, and out of the rain.
My brother has a friend who just this weekend lost everything that he owned. He came home late to find the fire department at his house, but that they had not been able to save it, and it had burned to the ground. I can’t even begin to imagine how terrible it would be to lose it all.
But he is thankful for what he does have… His dog got out out safe, and is ok. He is ok. He has a really great group of friends that are pitching in to help him out. He realized that maybe he didn’t need as much stuff as he had. He is taking it day by day. Making a list each morning of what he needs to get that day… Dog food, socks, shirts. And little by little, he’ll put things back together.
I think that it is so important to remember that everything is temporary. A wonderful moment will pass, so enjoy it while it lasts. And those bad moments will pass too, so just do your best until things clear up again.
Yes, I’m a little bit like a wise old Yoda or something this morning. I know. And staying positive is easier said than done. But life is too short to let problems get you down, no matter how big or small they are. You can’t always change your circumstances, but you can ALWAYS change your attitude towards them.
Choose to be happy. Smile. Tell someone you love and appreciate them. Have a wonderful day today…. :)
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