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Want to earn some extra cash this summer?

Want to earn some extra cash from home this summer?

I’m a stay at home mom, and am always looking for ways to save money, like using coupons, deal sites, rewards programs, etc.

I’m also always looking for ways to EARN extra money. I’ve sold our unwanted stuff on Craigslist, sell some of my crafty stuff {watch for my new Etsy shop in a couple months!}, and use Survey Sites to earn FREE money, easily, from home.

This picture shows that yes, these sites are legitimate, and you really DO get paid! Each one works differently… Some allow you to cash out quickly, at $5, and some of them wait until you reach $10 or $20. There are others that reward you with FREE gift cards instead of cash, which I also love. And some of the Survey Sites also send you FREE products to test out.

This is a recent product test… I was sent this FREE Italian Dressing to test, then another different type 2 weeks later. Free food? Love it. I’m also currently testing out 2 types of shampoo for different companies, a set of 3 plug-in air freshener products that are super cool and different, and the new Youth Code face cream set from Loreal.

So, these sites are totally worth it! Here are my tips to maximizing your rewards:

  • Sign up for a bunch of different sites! Some only send out one survey a week, and others you may not qualify for some that you attempt. The more you use, the more surveys you’ll get to fill out, which means the more rewards you’ll earn.
  • Be patient. Especially at the beginning, you may not get some of the big ones, like the $30 surveys from Toluna that were out last week. But once you’ve stuck with them for a month or two, you should see better stuff coming in.
  • If you don’t have a lot of time, that’s ok! When you DO have some free time, sit down at the computer and fill out a few different surveys, from different companies. Even if you just do a few a week, one day you’ll check your status and see you have FREE money ready to cash out! So even if it takes you longer than me, you are still earning, which is awesome.

Here is a list of some reliable sites I use myself:


  • Synovate: This is by FAR my very favorite! This is the one that I get the majority of my product testing opportunities from. I’m not sure if they’re open to new members right now, but DEFINITELY check it out and try to get in!
  • Toluna: This is the one that I mentioned had the $30 surveys going out last week. I also got two different ones for $10 each this week, which was very cool. Sign up here, Toluna.
  • MyView: Earn FREE Gift Card Rewards for sharing your opinions! Sign up here, MyView.
  • DollarSurveys: Take free surveys and earn a dollar for each survey you complete! Visit everyday for more surveys. Sign up, Click Here.
  • SurveySpot: So many fun promotions with them! Frequent opportunities, average of 24 surveys a month. You’ll earn prize draw entries every time you participate in a survey for a chance to win up to $12,000! Click Here to sign up.
  • Surveyhead: Earn $5 for signing up to take online surveys. Join Surveyhead & Earn fast cash by sharing your opinions! Click Here to learn more!

There ya go! All of these send out different types of surveys… Some long, some short, some with product tests, some that enter you to win a prize, all with some type of reward just for sharing your opinions!

What are your favorite survey companies? I’d love to hear some suggestions in the comments!

Whether or not you have an online accounting
, you probably also realize the value of having extra cash.



  1. […] Want to earn some extra cash this summer? » Sunshine and Sippy … […]

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