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{Twizzlers} Family Road Trip Contest!

Twizzlers wants to help you have more fun on your family road trips this summer!

Are you planning a road trip this summer?

I am {hopefully!} taking my little girl on her first trip to the zoo! I haven’t decided if I want to go to Seattle, so that we can also go to the Aquarium and waterfront, of if we should travel a little farther and go to the zoo in Portland, which I hear is super amazing!

It’s not too tough to keep the baby happy on road trips… A couple linky toys hanging on the car seat, and she’s happy as long as that car keeps moving! But she is a little chunky butt, and loves her some snacks!

So, when I pack a few of the new Twizzlers goodies in our snack bag for us {I hate spending money on food while on the road, so I always back a cooler and snack bag. Saves money, and saves time!} I’ll also share just a bit with baby girl.

Watching her eat her first gummy worm was one of the funniest things we’ve ever seen, so I’m sure she’ll love to attack a yummy Twizzlers with her little gummy grin too!

Win a Trip:

Twizzlers® Candy, the perfect on-the-go treat, is helping to sweeten family travel this summer with the Twizzlers Landmark Summer™ promotion. The promotion gives consumers the chance to win a trip to a well-known United States destination plus daily, road trip-themed prizes throughout the summer. Visit! Daily entry runs from 5/15/11 – 9/4/11!


Roadtips always make me remember being a kid, and traveling with my brothers to our family reunion every summer. And Twizzlers were such a favorite of ours when we were little, so it pairs perfectly with those memories! And if you want to learn more about the giveaway, fun new products, and other ideas from Twizzler, visit them at!! 

DISCLOSURE: I am writing this post as an entry into the Twizzlers Landmark Summer promotion prize pack as a member of the Mom Bloggers Club. Thoughts and opinions are of course my own. You know me, no free goodies or compensation can ever make me tell ya anything different :)


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