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{Super Secret} Big Promotion Coming Soon…

This sounds like something you’ll want to check out:


I got an email just now from Vocalpoint with this message…

“Make sure your loved ones don’t miss out on our upcoming promotion.

We can’t reveal much yet, but it’s about a big issue in women’s health. We know you’re a popular gal, so you probably have a mom, friend, or aunt over 50… and she won’t want to miss this. Invite her to sign up for Vocalpoint today.”

I have been a member of Vocalpoint for over a year, and I really love it. You get a weekly email with info about new products and promotions, coupons and giveaways, and new product sampling opportunities.

I even get random samples in the mail from them, just by being on the mailing list. My favorite thing about their samples is the way that they package them… Ask anyone who is a Vocalpoint member, and they can tell you about a super fun product they’ve gotten! I remember getting a package with coupons to try a new pasta and sauce for free, recipe book, and a fun game to play at dinner. Pretty awesome.

I signed my mom up for Vocalpoint this morning, so she can take advantage of whatever new offer this is…. I hear from a few other bloggers that it should be pretty great.

If you’re a member, watch for the big news when this launches. And if you’re not a member yet and want to sign up, or you’d love to sign up your own mom for this offer, you can get started here: gets you free samples, coupons, recipes, DIY ideas, beauty tips—endless gifts of knowledge to make you smile every day! Sign up today. Click Here to sign up.

Are you using Vocalpoint? What was your favorite sample package?


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