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Mommy Thoughts…

I just love this quote today from one of my favorite baby freebie sites, Planning Family….

“A little girl can be sweeter (and badder) oftener than anyone else in the world. She can jitter around, and stomp, and make funny noises that frazzle your nerves, yet just when you open your mouth she stands there demure with that special look in her eyes. A girl is Innocence playing in the mud, beauty standing on its head, and Motherhood dragging a doll by the foot.” -Alan Marshall Beck

So, so true. My little on is only 9 months old, but I can already see this type of adorable yet troublemaking attitude in her. And yes, I’ve seen that look in her eye…. When she’s crawling over to get something she shouldn’t, and sees me coming, her face lights up and she starts crawling just as darn fast as she can to see if she can get there before she gets caught!

One day she is as cute as a little cupcake…

The next day I find her in my room with a ninja sword…

Or laughing as she pulls out Uncle Jamie’s beard…

But I suppose it’s that contrast of the sweetness with the saucy that is what makes her so much fun. I had never, ever thought that I would become a mother, and still feel incredibly overwhelmed and inexperienced with it all. But in between those moments of frustration or exhaustion, she brings me so much sunshine and laughter!

If you like this quote, and want to sign up for the Planning Family emails too, it only takes a minute, and you’ll love it. They send you a weekly email with your babies development, and tips for her at that stage. Plus freebies, coupons, and giveaways. But the weekly quote is one of my favorite parts of the email!

Free Baby Stuff from Planning Family



  1. Following from blog hop, I totally agree! my daughter is a perfect mix of “sweet and sassy”! Looks like me but has her dad’s temper! also, please follow me back:

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