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{May 6} How I Got These Freebies!

These were my FREEBIES in my mail today…

I’m going to start sharing pictures of my daily freebies with you guys, and tell you how I got them. I think that will help some of you guys that are “Freebie Newbies” learn how to get goodies too.

I use soooo many different sites to get things free. This will help me make sure I share lots of them with you guys!

Todays Freebies, and How I Got Them:

  • Kellogg’s: I got a free sample box of the NEW Frosted Mini-Wheats “Touch of Fruit” cereal, plus a ton of coupons! One for Buy One Get One FREE on this cereal, plus 3 more $1 off coupons to give to friends! I got this for being a member of Vocalpoint. Go on over and sign up, and look forward to random freebies like this too!
  • Stouffer’s: I got a coupon for one FREE Stouffer’s Stuffed Melt and Soup Combo’s ($3.69 value). I won this on the Stouffer’s Facebook page a while back. This contest is over, but they run lots of fun promotions, so head on over to “like” them so you don’t miss the next one! {And, of course, stop by Sunshine and Sippy Cups facebook page and say hi too!}
  • Scholastic: Free Scholastic book just for entering the Family of the Year contest! Hopefully we’ll win a bigger prize now too!
  • Visual Studio: I get this cool free magazine by being a member of TradePub. It’s mostly offers for business and marketing type magazines, but they have other offers too, like Woman’s Day or Cosmo, and if you sign up, you get notified right away when those FREE subscriptions are available. Thats how I get so many of my magazines for free!

So…. That answers today’s “How’d you get those freebies??” question :) Look forward to more tomorrow, and sign up for some of these great offers yourself!


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