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{Funny} Mothers Day Poem

I have to give credit to Living On A Dime for this cute Mothers Day Poem that I think most of us can relate to…. I read it in her email update this morning, and just had to share it with you guys!

Mother’s Day Cake Recipe

Light oven, get utensils, and measure two cups of flour.

Remove Johnny’s hands from flour, wash flour off him.

Remeasure flour. Put flour, baking powder and salt in sifter.

Get dustpan and brush up pieces of bowl Johnny knocked on the floor.

Answer doorbell. Return to kitchen.

Remove Johnny’s hands from bowl. Wash Johnny.

Answer phone. Return and remove 1/4 cup salt from greased pan.

Look for Johnny. Grease another pan.

Answer telephone. Return to kitchen and find Johnny.

Remove one hammer from bowl.

Take up greased pan and find layer of nutshells in it.

Head for Johnny who flees, knocking bowl off table.

Wash kitchen floor, tables, walls, and dishes.

Call Baker. Lie down.


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