Welcome to the Natural Parenting Blog Party!
I am joining the fun in the Natural Parenting Blog Party hosted by The Peaceful Housewife. Make sure to stop by and say thanks for hosting an awesome party, check out her uh-MAY-zing line of natural products, and go party it up with some of the other blogs too!
I’m a little late to the party {it seems that ever since I had the baby, I’m ALWAYS late to EVERYTHING, lol} but now that I’m here, lets get rockin’.
To start, I’ll answer some “get to know you” questions posted by our host, The Peaceful Housewife….
I’m a new mommy to this little cupcake-cheeked cutie pie, Abigail Piper. I had never planned to become a mother. I had two nephews that I adored, and was perfectly happy just being “Auntie Meagan”. But this little girl somehow knew that I needed her, and I got pregnant not long before my 30th birthday. Thank goodness I did. Being a mommy is the greatest thing in my life, and I can’t believe that I almost missed out on this. Raising her is an ovewhelmingly wonderful process.
Hmmm…. Relationship status = Complicated. But Abby’s daddy is the a WONDERFUL dad, and I’m very happy that she has him as a big part of her life!
My only concern is the way that so many women are extremely judgemental towards other mothers. Every baby is different, every family is unique, and every mom has different values and priorities. So what works best in one household will not always be whats best for someone else. Sharing tips on what works for you is wonderful. Telling someone that they’re parenting their child “the wrong way” because they do things differently than you is not ok. We’re all moms, all trying to do the best we can. We should be more supportive of each other.
I never thought that I would BE a parent, so I had never given much thought to what type of choices I would make! But I have made lifestyle choices to live cleaner, greener, and healthier. I’m not perfect, but I’m trying to give her the best that I can!
It’s not a parenting book, but “Made from Scratch, Discovering the Pleasures of a Handmade Life” by Jenna Woginrich, made me appreciate a more simple lifestyle. Love it.
Sunshine. Thats what she brings to my world every single day.
I wish that I had learned more about breastfeeding before having my daughter. My water broke 3 weeks early, so I was kind of unprepared still! She had some problems at first, and spent a few days in NICU, and then a few more in the Pediatrics section. I wasn’t even allowed to hold her until very late on the second day at the hospital, and it was the third day before I was able to get a pump in my room. My lack of knowledge led to me not getting a good start… I started pumping milk late the 3rd day. I allowed the nurses to bottle feed the baby, and give her pacifiers. I tried to breastfeed but was clueless. So I tried desperately to breastfeed her for over a month, but I never got a good milk supply, and she never learned to latch. I really regret not knowing more, and giving us a more successful start. I tried my best, but this was a huge disappointment for me.
Um, everything?! I always feel like, “When is the REAL mom going to show up and take care of this baby??” It can’t be POSSIBLE that I am a parent??!! But SHE doesn’t know that I don’t know :) So together, we learn a little more every day.
Cupcakes. With sprinkles.
Rainbow Sherbet.
I don’t seem to have much time for those anymore! But if I do get the chance for a few minutes to do something I want to do, you can bet I don’t feel guilty!! :)
I hardly watch any tv at all, so this is tough. But I’d love to be on the Colbert Report! I love shows that are funny, but smart. There is so much hypocrisy and negativity in the media, and he does a great job of exposing that, and showing how silly and irrelevant much of it is. Love him.
Now that you guys know more about me, and what type of parent I am, share some of your own answers to these questions in the comments, so I can get to know you guys too! Plus, stay tuned for more this week… Enter to win the ConservingNow Great Green Giveaway {$50 Value} by reading the post here, plus I’ll be sharing a bunch of fun up-cycling craft projects for Easter, some fun Earth Day freebies, and more! So check back, and check out the fun at all of the other blogs this week too!

Nice to meet you through the Natural parenting blog party…Come and stop by http://www.themysticalkingdom.blogspot.com
Ooh cupcakes! That’s a great answer!
Thank you :)
I’m in love with cupcakes. All kinds. I even make breakfast “cupcakes” for the kids…. Eggs and turkey bacon cooked in a muffin tin, and then I use that terrible fake cheese in a can to put “frosting” on top, and sprinkle bacon bits for “sprinkles”. Yes, I love me some cupcakes! Lol.
Hello fellow blogger. Just visiting from the blog party and saying hi. I love the answer “sunshine” it reminds me of my mom singing me “You Are My Sunshine” every day. I sing it to my daughter now. :)