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Now Hiring: Mystery Shoppers

Shadow Shopper now hiring Mystery Shoppers!

I usually only post deals or offers that I have personal experience with, so that I can be sure I’m only sharing good stuff with you guys. There are loads of scams out there, and I don’t want to help them find you!

But I have heard really good things from other people who have done this secret shopping type stuff. And I know that when I managed retail stores for years, we always relied on secret shoppers to come in to our stores and rate our service, so it is a legit job.

I just saw today that this company is hiring new Click Here“>Mystery Shoppers right now, and thought I’d share. I think it’s worth a shot at applying, and to learn more. I mean, I love to shop, right? And I love getting paid, right? :) Check it out and learn more by clicking Click Here“>here.

If you’ve ever used this company, or any other mystery shopping companies, I’d LOVE to hear some feedback on your experience with them, and I bet the rest of the readers would too! Please share any thoughts in the comments….


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