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Lots of FREE STUFF at Bath & Body Works!

These deals are for THIS WEEKEND ONLY!

Bath & Body Works has a HUGE sale right now… Buy 3 of their signature collection, {which includes all of my favorites!} get 3 MORE for FREE! This is a really great time to stock up!

PLUS… I found a coupon on for a FREE travel size lotion too. Print it here. It also has a code to be used online, if you’re unlucky like me and don’t have a Bath & Body Works near by!

AND… If you are shopping online, there is a coupon code too, APRILSHIP25, to get $1 shipping! {I’m not sure if you can combine the free lotion coupon with the $1 shipping, I haven’t tried it out yet.}

And, there’s more :) You can’t earn cash back through Ebates, since the coupon code isn’t listed on their site. (Learn more tips like this in my Cash Back Shopping post). It will let you use the coupon, but you won’t earn any cash back for your purchase.

So… Head on over to one of my other favorites:

And shop through them! You’ll earn 3 points per dollar that you spend at Bath & Body Works…. And those points add up to get you FREE gift cards. I love MyPoints.

Bath & Body has bunches of fun Easter stuff right now, I love it all. And they have a few other deals right now too:

  • Anti-Bac Hand Soap: 4/$15
    14.5 oz Candles: 2/$30
    Signature Classics Collection: $6 each
    Jellybean Bundle Hand Sanitizers: $3

And my favorite…

These little Easter soap dispensers, only $8 bucks each. Adorable, right? They have some other Easter themed items too, great for Easter baskets. (And you realize that Easter is NEXT weekend already?? Woah.)

So go get shopping :) I know I’m going to!

Coupon Deals Daily


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