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Wanna test FREE products, and get paid?

Check out my newest free test product!

This is my most recent product to test for Synovate! {If you’re not a member yet, you can sign up here today} It is a new Italian Salad Dressing that I get to try out with my family, and then give some feedback in a survey in a couple of weeks. After that, we get a second brand of dressing to test out too. We eat a TON of salad, so I’m pretty excited to try these out.

When you sign up with Synovate, they will email you surveys that allow you to share your opinions, and they reward you with points for each survey you complete. These points can be redeemed for checks, and you can cash out as soon as you reach $5! {I usually wait until I reach $20, which takes about a month or so}

And, not only do you get the cash rewards for simply sharing your thoughts, but they also send you fun new products to try out too! I’ve sampled and reviewed air freshners, cleaning products, lots of food goodies, and more cool stuff over the past couple of years. Plus, you are entered into all of their monthly giveaways wtih TONS of prizes just for being an active member!

So check it out, and get signed up to join the fun. Synovate is one of my very favorite survey companies that I use, because of the high amount of product testing opportunities. Plus, I like that they don’t send you a ton of surveys that you don’t qualify for… They are very good at sending you surveys selected just for you.

They have been taking new members for the past couple months, but they’ll cut it off at any time now, and it’s usually quite a bit of a wait until they open up again, so sign up today!



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