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FREE Burt’s Bees Tinted Lipbalm on Facebook!

To celebrate the launch of their new natural Tinted Lip Balm, Burt’s Bees is having a really fun promotion called “Lips Go Bloom” right now on Facebook!

To play, you choose one of the really pretty new Tinted Lip Balm colors, each one inspired by a different flower. You then choose which one of your Facebook friends deserves a little surprise for being a “Natural Beauty”, which they describe as…

“Natural beauties are beautiful from the inside out. They make doing good and looking great, well, totally natural. Celebrate the natural beauty in your life. Send them a bloom!”

You then choose which friend to send it too, write a sweet message, and then send it! Burt’s Bees will post the message on their wall, along with a link so that they can get a FREE Tinted Lipbalm of their choice. Then you will be taken to a screen where you get to add your shipping info, so that you get a freebie too! Love this :)

AND…. If you are a big Burt’s Bees fan, don’t forget to enter my Burt’s Bees Prize Package giveaway!! You can enter on the post here.



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