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Recording Memories in a Moment Garden

Sharing Memories and Special Moments…

Moment Garden is a new website that I came across this weekend, and I think that it is such a wonderful idea. I love scrapbooking, photo albums, memory boxes… And so I save EVERYTHING, especially when it comes to my new little girl. But sometimes it can be tough to get all of those special moments and memories written down and saved, in between diapers, bottles, spit-up, tantrums…. You know.

Moment Garden gives you a new way to easily keep track of those amazing little moments! It only takes a minute to get signed up for a new account. You are then able to start logging in to quickly leave little markers in your “garden” each time some random adorable moment happens that you want to remember! Read Moment Garden’s description of their service… 

“Children are amazing! From day one their pictures and the little moments throughout their life are priceless. Looking at an old picture, or even reading a quote from when they were 4 years old and commented “Don’t worry Daddy, I’ll teach you” can bring a smile. Our vision is helping parents collect, save and share these precious moments with the people that matter most.”

You can send messages by email or from your phone, making it so easy to keep things updated. You can add authorized users, like dad or grandma, so that they can log on and add new memories and stories too!

I love that this gives me a way to keep track of my little girls achievements, and a fun way to see how she is growing every day into such a big girl!!

Moments like this have to be saved and shared, right?

There is also a brand new feature that lets you share individual moments to your Facebook page! You choose the moments to share, and they show up as a post on your Facebook page. All of the comments that your friends leave on that photo will also be saved into the Memory Garden, as part of the post. I love this!

{Update: I’ve been using this for awhile now, and it is so great. I love that they send you an email every once in a while, with a question to help prompt you to add a new memory. Today I got an email asking, “What did Abby have for breakfast today? What else does she like to eat?” I realized that this IS something that I’ll want to remember later. So I added a picture of her eating/squishing/playing with her breakfast banana today. This timeline will be so much fun to look back at later….}

To get started, go check it out at Moment Garden or on Facebook. Let me know what you think…. :)


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